Get a Healthy, Picture-Perfect Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

It’s a recognizable asset (or liability) in most of your personal photos. Your smile is front-and-center and on-record for as long as a photo exists.

Cosmetic dentistry helps keep your smile picture-perfect. Most procedures provide a noticeable smile enhancement while restoring your teeth. Some can transform your smile in minutes at one appointment. Others are equally effective yet require a bit more time investment to achieve the desired results.

Imagine being in photos with no filters or touch-up needed
Cosmetic dental treatment gives you a photo advantage. In a wedding party, part of a group shot in a family or class reunion photo, or in one of countless selfies, you’ll be more captivating when your smile is healthy and bright. Get photo-friendly with a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Professional teeth cleaning
Start with healthy, clean teeth and gums. A professional teeth cleaning by our dental hygienist removes tartar and plaque build-up, stains, and improves your gum health. Combine your teeth cleaning appointment with an oral examination and you’ll stay ahead of any tooth and gum problems.

In-office and at-home professional teeth whitening
This fast procedure removes unattractive yellowing and stains from your tooth surfaces. The Zoom!™️ Teeth Whitening procedure is more effective and long lasting than over-the-counter whitening options. The in-office whitening treatment can be completed in approximately one hour.

In some instances, your smile can be brightened up to 8 shades or more with the Zoom!™️ teeth whitening treatment. And an at-home whitening kit (including custom-fitted whitening trays) can maintain your results for weeks.

Porcelain veneers
Your teeth that are severely stained, gapped, or chipped can be transformed with porcelain veneers. Each thin, wafer-like porcelain veneer is custom fitted to the front surfaces of your smile-zone (front) teeth. The cosmetic treatment most often requires two appointments – one for tooth preparation and the second for fitting your new veneers.

Straighten your crooked, misaligned teeth with Invisalign®️Invisible Braces. Each set of clear, removable aligners moves your teeth into a healthy and attractive looking position. Your Invisalign®️orthodontic treatment requires approximately 18 to 24 months depending on the condition of teeth and gums.

It’s important to consult with us about your smile health and appearance. An initial examination and cosmetic dentistry consultation will help you set short and long term goals for restoring and improving your smile.

Contact your Morris Park or Rye cosmetic dentist about these cosmetic dentistry treatments and more. Schedule your oral examination to discuss cosmetic dental treatment for smile transformation.