What to Expect with the Dental Implant Healing Process

Expectations can get the best of you. This is especially true when you’re wondering about how long it takes dental implants to heal.

It’s a common question. There’s also an upside to one aspect of the answer.

A Credibility Boost
Dental implants are much more than a quick-fix. Yes, there are tooth replacement procedures involving dental implants that are faster than the standard.

For example, Same Day Dental Implants or All-on-4 procedures can often require less time. Though, for starters, that might depend on your tooth loss condition.

Your dental implant healing period is an indication of its long-term effectiveness. And that has to do with the foundational structure of your implant.

The Healing Sweet-Spot
The health of your jawbone and surrounding tissue has a lot to do with healing duration. If you lack adequate bone tissue include additional time for a bone graft.

Generally speaking and barring complications, two to four months is the sweet-spot for you dental implants to heal. This allows your bone tissue to adapt to the implant.

Post-treatment care is also essential to the healing period. Avoid aggressive biting on the implant placement area too.

Healing relies on your bone tissue. How well it adapts to the dental implant determines the healing timeframe and to fully restore your tooth function and appearance.

Worth the Wait
Full restoration of you ability to eat, chew, and smile is the ultimate goal of implant treatment. Your dental crown provides that function on top of a healthy dental implant.

The root-to-tip structure of your dental implant is designed to last. In fact, your implant should provide more than 10 years of tooth function.

Care for your dental implant and your surrounding gum tissue as you would that of your natural tooth. Cavities aren’t a concern because of the materials used but your gum tissue does require routine attention.

Gum infections, and ultimately periodontal (gum) disease, can be avoided by prioritizing your dental check-ups, dental x-rays, and professional teeth cleanings. The health of your dental implant(s) is also checked during these routine appointments.

The healing process for your dental implant is worth it. You’ll enjoy long-term tooth function and smile confidence when you allow it to run its course.

Contact our Morris Park or Rye dental office about dental implants. Schedule an oral examination to discuss your tooth loss condition and tooth replacement solutions.