Rye Oral Cancer Screenings

Cancer Screenings In Rye Using the VELscope
Rye Oral Cancer Screenings

Today, part of a thorough dental exam should be an oral cancer screening. If you are interested in members of your family having Rye oral cancer screenings, you should bring them to our practice, Purchase Street Family Dental. Our dentist can perform oral cancer screenings using a special machine called a VELscope that can identify many different oral problems, along with early warning signs for oral cancer.

Our fine dentists are Dr. William Wolfson, Dr. Shannon Kelso, and Dr. Yung Kim. Our practice offers a wide range of treatments in cosmetic, periodontic, endodontic, prosthodontic, orthodontic, restorative and general dentistry. Our doctors are all trained to use the VELscope as a means of patients receiving Rye oral cancer screenings as well as screenings for other oral conditions. Our doctors are in the unique position to diagnose diseases of the mouth. Many people believe that they only need to visit a dentist when they are in pain or something is wrong. That thinking can be very detrimental to one’s overall oral health. Regular visits to our doctors, who are capable of diagnosing and treating conditions that range from routine to extremely complex, are vital in keeping you and your mouth healthy. Dentists care not only for their patients’ teeth and gums, but also the muscles of the head, the tongue, jaw, neck, salivary glands, the nervous system of the head and neck and other areas as well. During an oral exam, dentists also check for any type of abnormality, including lumps, swellings, any discolorations and ulcerations. Numerous studies indicate the link between oral health and many general health conditions, including diabetes and heart disease. Routine care and regular visits to the dentist are vital in maintaining oral and overall health, and you should not take having an oral cancer screening lightly.

The VELscope provides a simple process to detect oral abnormalities that can be easily overlooked during a regular dental oral exam. The VELscope allows the dentist to use a wireless handheld scope that uses natural tissue fluorescence visualization to help the dentist see mucosal abnormalities that can easily be overlooked, or cannot even be detected, without the aid of this device. This new technology has been cleared by the Federal and Drug Administration. It helps with the visualization of: viral, fungal and bacterial infections; inflammation from filling allergies and other reactions; squamous papillomas; salivary gland tumors; cancer and pre-cancer growths; and other mucosal conditions. Rye oral cancer screenings at our office are more effective than ever before since our dentists have begun to use the VELscope for early diagnosis of oral cancer. The VELscope technology is currently in use by over 12,000 dentists, and have been used in over 25 million examinations. This technology has been approved for use by many clinical studies that have carefully reviewed the effectiveness of this type of tissue fluorescence visualization. Oral cancer screenings are an important part of any dental exam, and this technology ensures that any signs of early cancer will be detected early – even while it is in the pre-cancerous stage. That is a very important benefit that we offer at our dental exams. Should you need additional tests to aid in identifying areas of abnormal cells in your mouth, you can rest assured knowing that medical insurance covers such procedures and it may also provide coverage for other oral treatments. If you would like to have your comprehensive dental exam performed by one of our fine dentists, contact us today at Purchase Street Family Dental for an appointment.