Dentistry for Wimps – How to Feel More Positive About Your Next Dental Appointment

There’s one thing in addition to neglect that might keep you from a necessary dental appointment.

It’s a common emotion.

Fear or anxiety!
Sedation dentistry provides you with a solution for this dental phobia reaction that affects thousands. As earlier mentioned, it’s perhaps a leading reason that you would postpone or avoid seeing the dentist altogether.

It’s vital that you take a positive and proactive approach to your dental care. The reduction or total elimination of any related fear or anxiety would be a good place to start.

Is No-Fear Dentistry Possible?
Your oral health is impacted by a variety of factors. Some you have control over and others you don’t.

If fear is one of the reasons, you have options (more on that in a moment).

The general solution involves sedation to substantially reduce or totally remove all fear or anxiety you feel about or during your next dental procedure. Following are some of the primary reasons you would choose to avoid dental treatment and what sedation can help solve:

  • A low tolerance for pain
  • Unable to relax or avoid movement during a procedure
  • Sensitive teeth and gums
  • Gag reflex
  • A large amount of treatment that feels overwhelming
  • A previous traumatic or uncomfortable experience during an appointment or procedure

Know Your Sedation Dentistry Options
Sedation Dentistry has a primary goal: your comfort through reducing your anxiety. Because it’s essential to protect your oral health and assure that you receive the necessary treatment, we have a few sedation and relaxation options to choose from.

Nitrous oxide (“Laughing gas”)
Perhaps the most common and widely used form of dental sedation. Your access to the gas is via a comfortable nose mask that stays in place throughout your procedure.

Nitrous oxide is safe and causes you to feel extremely relaxed and at ease. You will experience minimal side effects, if any at all, and the sedation effects will subside quickly following your treatment.

Oral sedation
Medications can be prescribed by your dentist or dental professional to relax you prior to and during a procedure. Prescription strength will be determined by your doctor and your desired level of relaxation.

Oral sedatives are safe and effective for most dental treatment. It’s recommended that you plan for transportation assistance following your appointment to allow the medication to wear off before resuming routine activity.

IV Sedation
This form of sedation is administered intravenously (in the vein) and monitored by a trained dental anesthesiologist. Most IV sedation methods allow you to remain conscious so you can reply and respond to your dentists questions or comments.

Your vitals are monitored to enhance your safety during sedation. A local anesthetic could be necessary, depending on your treatment, once the sedation has taken effect on your awareness.

This method can produce a partial feeling of amnesia (e.g not remembering your dental procedure). The peaceful, relaxing calming effects are especially practical for you if you are highly anxious or fearful about your treatment.

Contact your Rye, Westchester dentist about your dental fear or dental anxiety. Call us at 914-921-5437 to schedule a free consultation. Ask about sedation dentistry solutions to help assure you’re comfortable and relaxed during your next appointment or procedure.